Senior Lawyer ASC&ECS (Child Protection) in Southall, EN

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  Job Description

36.00 Hours Per Week

Spending Request Approved - SR000249 In respect of the Adult Social Care Team, their work relates to the council’s statutory duties in respect of safeguarding adults under Care Act 2014 .


 This includes applications to the Court of Protection in respect of:

  • Deprivations of Liberty; - Hoarding; -Abuse including physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse;
  • Signing tenancy agreements; and -Appointing deputies for property and financial affairs Where safeguarding cases fall outside the remit of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, lawyers also represent the council in applications within the High Court under its jurisdiction in respect of matters including: -Removals from property; -Injunctions against perpetrators;


Prohibitions on contact Lawyers also within the team also carry out work in respect of: 

  • Representing the local authority in the Coroner’s Court ensuring protection of the local authority’s reputation and resisting liability for wrongful deaths;
  • Defending applications for judicial review relating to the provision of care and support including requests for social care accommodation relating to asylum seekers and persons with no recourse to public funds
  • Defending applications for judicial review relating to the provision of Special Educational Needs
  • Representing the local authority in proceedings relating to displacing nearest relatives under s29 Mental Health Act 1983 ensuring that mentally unwell persons can receive treatment in hospital
  • Providing advice to the social care teams in respect of the legislative framework for the provision of social care      
  • Representing the council in ordinary residence disputes (disputes about financial responsibility) with other local authorities;
  • Representing the council in disputes with the NHS in respect of the health/social care funding divide.
  • Providing advice in respect of the statutory framework for the delivery of Special Education. -Providing advice in respect of the local authorities duties to provide Education and maintain schools under Education Act 1996
  • Providing advice in respect of proposals to make prescribed alterations to schools; -
  • Representing the local authority in respect of academy conversions; -   
  • Providing advice in respect of the governance of and intervening in maintained schools
  • Advising client teams generally on their obligations to work with partners including police and health     
  • Providing advice in respect of agreements under s75 NHS Act 2006
  • Providing advice on foreign jurisdiction matters and international safeguarding;
  • Providing advice on specialist safeguarding matters including counter terrorism and radicalisation;
  • Advice on the council’s duties under Human Rights Act 1998
  • Advice on the application of the Disabled Facilities Grant; -          
  • Advice in respect of Financial Assessments and charging decisions including advice on income, capital and the deliberate deprivation of assets
  • Advice in respect of powers of attorney and liaising with the Office of the Public Guardian
  • Advice in respect of complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman
  • Representing the council in respect of applications to the family court for Forced Marriage Protection orders.                                               

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