
Top 10 Green Collar Jobs
July 12, 2023Conversations around climate change have been happening for decades, and the impact of global warming can't be overemphasized. Recent events like extreme weather and soaring fuel prices have highlighted the urgency to create green collar jobs. Business owners and corporate leaders are now turning their attention to the environment with the goal of building a more climate-resilient, green economy. Sectors like waste management, renewable energy, e-cycling (recycling of electronic waste), and environmental science are creating new job opportunities and increasing demand for workers. Jobs in these sectors and related fields, according to numbers from Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), are expected to grow by eight percent by 2030. Here are the top 10 in-demand green collar jobs. 1. Civil Engineer They design, supervise, construct, and maintain infrastructure projects. These include ... View Post
Green Collar Jobs: The Present and Future
July 10, 2023Nature and work are fundamentally connected. While our lives depend on the natural environment, our business activities and jobs depend on a healthy planet. Over the last decade, green technologies have witnessed rapid innovation that has led to a significant reduction in the overall carbon footprint and cost-cutting in almost all businesses. Green jobs have emerged as a pillar to usher in a more sustainable economy and as a protector of the planet. According to the International Labor ... View Post
9 Things Recruiters Don't Want to Hear
March 16, 2023The interviewee’s goal for a job interview, whether you're experienced or just out of college, is to get hired. Everything said in an interview adds or detracts from someone’s chances of landing the job. However, sometimes in your quest to convince the recruiter, you can say all the wrong things that seem right for the moment. But later, while reflecting on how the interview went, you may cringe at your answers. Even if a candidate has a stellar resume and great professional ... View Post
Rangam Talent Spotlight - Connecting Passions and Employment
February 09, 2023At Rangam, we are so proud of the impressive talent we help connect to meaningful employment through our services. In our Talent Spotlight series, we look forward to shining a light on the achievements and success of candidates around the world. Meet Yuri! Yuri is a researcher from Minnesota who is passionate about helping others and giving back to her community. She enjoys volunteering in her community, especially during the holiday season, because there are so many children and families in ... View Post
Tips to Start a Career in Business for Young Adults with Disabilities
January 12, 2023This is a guest blog from Tanya Lee, founder of AbilityVillage. She draws inspiration from her younger brother, Charlie, who refuses to let cerebral palsy stand in the way of his dreams. Her brother is a college graduate and has recently started his career in business. Seeing Charlie refuse to let his disability limit him, Tanya believes that every disabled individual has the ability to follow their career dreams and make amazing things happen.Today’s job market is challenging for ... View Post
Overcoming Decision Fatigue in Job Search
January 06, 2023Searching for a job can be stressful regardless of whether you are in a knowledge-based or skill-based career. With so many job openings popping up on your screens, in your inbox, or through referrals and friends in the business, it might all seem grand and glorious to people outside your orbit. To some it might even seem that you are spoiled for choice and hence are not able to make the right decision. But so many options and choices can also lead to a phenomenon known as decision fatigue. ... View Post
What Is “Normal”?
September 14, 2022This article was originally published by Melissa Mooney, EMEA Project Coordinator at Rangam. Melissa is a proud Autistic and Dyspraxic self-advocate, and she likes sharing her lived experiences that provide valuable insights into life and work. I couldn’t read a clock, tie my laces or wash my hair unassisted until I was 12 or older. I also graduated top of my faculty at university, have lived independently in 2 different countries and in my mid-twenties, have what is essentially my ... View Post
Will LGBT Employees Leave for Remote Work?
June 28, 2022When Olivia Miller began interviewing for a position with a finance company, she was enthusiastic about what her prospective employer had to offer: the opportunity to lead a team as the senior vice-president (marketing) and a supportive work environment. The only problem was that the organization was headquartered in New York while Olivia stayed in Sacramento. However, with work from home (WFH) becoming the preferred norm during COVID-19 and afterwards, Olivia decided to take the offer. The ... View Post
Rise in Skill-based Hiring
September 21, 2021Even at the turn of the century, a college degree was a golden ticket to begin a professional career. A stamp of higher education on the resume was the only way to a comfortable, salaried position with associated perks. While the direct correlation between a degree and potential for long-term income has been consistent, the nature of work and career has changed over the last few years with the right skills being prized over academic qualifications. The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has ... View Post
How to Screen Remote Workers
June 11, 2021While remote work has been around for many years, it has assumed an entirely new meaning over the past 1.5 years. Recent global events, particularly the Coronavirus pandemic, have led to the rise of remote work. An increasing number of organizations that were probably not prepared to make the transition are now embracing it. This trend has opened up a new horizon in recruitment. Hiring is no longer limited to any geographical location. Talent is being recruited from all over the world, ... View Post
Five Best Disability Friendly Jobs in 2021
May 26, 2021Transition to worklife is often a challenging process for people with autism and disabilities. The good news is there are a number of disability friendly jobs out there as companies have begun to recognize the unique strengths and perspectives that differently-abled people bring to the workplace. Not only do modern employers have a better understanding of the many obstacles that workers with different abilities face, but they are also more focused on removing barriers to full and continued ... View Post
Six In-demand Healthcare Certifications for Professionals
November 27, 2019Over the years, healthcare has become a highly sought-after industry segment for employment. With an aging population globally and unprecedented breakthroughs in clinical and scientific research, work opportunities in the healthcare sector are growing by leaps and bounds. However, with so many career options available, it’s difficult to navigate through the choices and zero in on the right career path. In this article, we’ll take a look at the most in-demand certifications and ... View Post
Whether or Not to Disclose Autism at Work
April 24, 2019From filling out lengthy application forms to mustering up confidence for an interview, job hunting can be stressful. It can be a little more stressful for people with autism as they are faced with the perennial dilemma of whether or not to disclose their diagnosis. Most experts say that disclosing autism in the workplace is entirely a personal decision, based on the candidate's needs and preferences. A differently-abled worker may face stigma if they disclose. Eminent sociologist Erving ... View Post
Want to Be Uber Productive at Work? Take a Break.
December 20, 2018Even as you read this, there could be at least 10 tabs open on your browser, plus several active programs running at the same time. Ever wondered why? With all the hustle around us, it?s easy to feel we aren?t doing enough if we don?t get a visual confirmation of our efforts. For some of us, work means multitasking. We constantly switch from one task to another?without interruption or break. We just don?t have the time to take a break (and close some of the unused tabs on our ... View Post
Starbucks Signing Store in D.C. and a Quick Look at Sign Language
September 08, 2018With the first International Day of Sign Languages coming up on September 23, it is worth recapping Starbucks? plan to open a new sign-language store in Washington, D.C. next month. It will be the company?s first disability-friendly coffee shop in the US, following the successful inauguration of their first-ever Signing Store in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2016. The D.C. store will be equipped with various accessibility features and will employ individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. It will ... View Post
Four tools everyone in the recruiting industry should use
February 08, 2017With the advent of new tools and technologies, the recruiting process is becoming faster and more efficient than ever before. Here's a list of four tools we think have the potential to change the way today's recruiters and HR personnel work.1. Applicant tracking system (ATS)A must-have in any modern recruiters? armory, the new generation of ATSs can bring many recruitment functions under one roof to speed up the hiring process while minimizing the risk of accidental data deletion or email ... View Post
Be the Career Wolf: Up and coming careers in the next 4 years
August 17, 2016Don?t always pursue what?s hot. Sometimes the ?not? careers at the commencement of your college experience can be up and coming by the time graduation comes around. Be prepared to remain flexible. Employers are also getting more daring, and following company models like Google where a degree and good grades validate the ability to do anything. While high demand for certain career potentials may attract you toward that major, others may offer better rewards, if only just because they?re not ... View Post
Secrets to successful contracting: From resume to work
July 15, 2016"You are not your resume, you are your work.? Seth Godin In the fast-paced, results-driven world of contracting, it's really important to focus on your work. While an impressive resume is key to getting a foot in the door of a large company and charting a great career trajectory, it's also worth remembering that there's only so much a resume can do for contractual and temporary workers. Ultimately they are judged by their output at the end of a given day and not by what they did before. ... View Post
Workplace success hacks for the millennial from a millennial
July 05, 2016Rangam Consultants wants to provide our clients and consultants the latest market intelligence and to that end we are starting to explore the world of temporary staffing and job seeking through the eyes of a millennial. We enlisted the help of a guest blogger for this week. She is a world-traveled JD Candidate who has taken her own experiences and those of her peers and developed this honest and detailed set of guidelines. Whether you are a hiring manager, a parent or a job-seeking millennial, ... View Post
5 reasons to get a strong relationship going with recruiters
November 10, 2015We?ve found a way to put tangential thoughts or further explanations into numbered circles that you can click or tap. This is a new feature, so be patient if a glitch occurs and let us know. Job seekers work hard to land the jobs that best match their skills and salary expectations. Luckily, there's a group of professionals who work equally hard to connect job seekers with employers. Irrespective of whether you?re looking or have already started working somewhere, you would do your career ... View Post
5 tips for recent graduates to get a contract job
September 09, 2015Whether you just graduated college or high school and want to join the workforce, getting that first job can be a challenge. With many companies laying off seasoned professionals in the recent past, the employment prospect for recent graduates with little or no work experience can seem bleak at times. Finding a contract job is often a good way to get a foot in the door. Here are 5 tips that may help graduates start their careers. Look for internship opportunities If you didn't intern in ... View Post
3 questions a contract job seeker should be asking in an interview
August 28, 2015We've already covered various interview tips from what to answer to the dreaded ?Why did you leave your last job?? question to how to prove by example that you are a valuable team player. It's time now to highlight what a job seeker can accomplish by asking intelligent questions in an interview. Asking some important basic questions can give candidates a fairly clear idea about the scope of the contract and what exactly is expected of them.Here are 3 important questions for ... View Post
How to land a job by convincing recruiters and systems
August 07, 2015Those looking to contract are just two steps away from getting a job: 1) computers and 2) recruiters. Sounds easy, right? It is. Taking the first step with precision and caution is half the battle won. Yes, creating that perfect system-friendly resume is a must to ensure that it gets through the automated resume screening systems to the right person. Now the question is, how do you build a resume which is capable of meeting all possible sorting parameters set by a computer?There's no absolute ... View Post
3 tips for creating a mobile-friendly resume
July 23, 2015Job hunting techniques have been evolving rapidly over the past few years. With an increasing number of hiring managers relying on mobile devices to conduct the interview process (yes, they do check your Facebook and LinkedIn on the go), job seekers have few choices but to adapt to the changing recruitment environment to maintain their competitive edge. One of the changes that has happened relatively recently is a sudden increase in the number of job seekers armed with mobile-friendly resumes. ... View Post
Ending your contract on good terms
June 29, 2015Some people can be so shortsighted? only operating in the here and now and not giving much thought to the future. Contractors, of all people, had better have a clear picture of the immediate future if they want to keep those jobs coming and maintain a good reputation. Here are some pointers to consider: 1. Keep up the good work You are only as good as today's performance. Therefore, it is imperative that you give your best shot every day, no matter what phase of your career you are in. By ... View Post
4 job hunting tips while you are still employed
June 05, 2015Looking for a change while being employed can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, people who are employed are much more desirable candidates to hiring managers than those who aren't. But on the other hand, a job search regardless of however confidential it's intended to be kept can tip one's current boss or manager off with disastrous results. So how can you safely hunt jobs while working in your current position? Here are 4 tips. Never look for a new job using your company's resources. ... View Post
Job search during the holidays? YES.
May 05, 2015Prioritize your work schedule in advance. Instead of daydreaming about your weekend on Friday afternoon, take a few minutes for a quick review of your most important tasks for Monday. List them according to importance. Or, you may prefer to list them by level of difficulty to get the tough ones out of the way first. Set a goal for the week. While you are working on your to-do list for Monday, go ahead and set a goal for the week. Don?t get too ambitious. After all, you don?t want to get ... View Post
How to make a good impression in an instant
March 10, 2015People start forming an opinion of others within seconds of seeing them for the first time. First impressions are important. Here are some tips to help you make a good impression instantly. You know some of them but we guarantee that you will find something useful in our list. Your grandma was right when she told you to sit up straight. Not only is it healthier but you will come across as a more alert, confident and productive person. When you meet someone for the first time, give them ... View Post
3 pragmatic ways to stay positive and motivated at work
February 27, 2015Staying true to your passion is a great ideal. Once you look at how things really work in most organizations, you may want get more real. Feeling successful is important to staying motivated and being more pragmatic may contribute to being more successful at work. Here are some ideas: 1) Don?t let the lack of your favorite opportunities stymie your advancement; make the best of available opportunities. Maybe you can lead a project that needs to get pushed forward, get some recognition and ... View Post
2 quick tips to keep professional responsibilities from invading your personal space
February 16, 2015The 2015 Workplace Flexibility Study reveals that employers and employees have significantly different opinions about what consists of a fair work-life balance. Two-thirds of HR managers reckon that their employees get enough personal time, while 45% of polled workers say they don't. Disparate numbers aside, what could employees do to dodge burnout? Here are 2 quick tips:1. Carry two cell phones ? one for your personal use and another for work. Switch off your work phone after the working hours ... View Post
Job search during the holidays? YES.
January 16, 2015The temporary job market during the holiday season is full of opportunities. Here are a couple of reasons for you to give up putting your job hunt on hold until after the holidays are over. 1. Companies are hiring more in November and December than almost any time else Recent industry trends show that HR executives work really hard through the winter holidays to get hold of the best candidates. Have a look at the ASA Staffing Index: 2. Take advantage of social hiringSocial recruiting is a ... View Post