
About Rangam

12 Must-Know Stats About Autism And Employment

April 30, 2021

The world is changing. Let's make it a better place for everyone. Employment has always been a task for everyone. But for people with autism, it even more challenging. Most of the individuals with autism are either unemployed or underemployed. And that's hurtful.  However, with increasing awareness and acceptance, employers are tapping the right talent. Employers are considering the talent and unique abilities of candidates.  Yet, individuals with autism may have to jump more hoops and pass to get the employment they deserve.  The below-infographic tells the facts every individual should know to make employment more friendly and accessible for individuals with autism. View Post

Artificial Intelligence and Recruitment

April 22, 2021

Many organizations are struggling to strategize their recruitment for a more productive workforce. But only some organizations are turning to Artificial intelligence (AI) to strengthen their workforce.  Artificial intelligence, a computer version of the human mind, is a great way to enhance hiring and retention. AI helps recruiters streamline tasks and workflow, chiefly high-volume exercises such as candidate screening and virtual interviews.  The below infographic shows how ... View Post

The business case for hiring veterans [Infographic]

August 30, 2016

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How to champion a job interview [Infographic]

May 06, 2016

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