
9 Things Recruiters Don't Want to Hear


The interviewee’s goal for a job interview, whether you're experienced or just out of college, is to get hired. Everything said in an interview adds or detracts from someone’s chances of landing the job. However, sometimes in your quest to convince the recruiter, you can say all the wrong things that seem right for the moment. But later, while reflecting on how the interview went, you may cringe at your answers. Even if a candidate has a stellar resume and great professional achievements, it’s still possible for the interviewer to remember only the things they didn't want to hear.

Here are some cliches that you should avoid during an interview.

  1. Complaining about your current job

Companies want to hire positive people. Even if you had a miserable time with your current employer, never complain about that during the interview. Companies look for people who can work under challenging situations. Complaining about past employers is the worst put-off. Recruiters prefer people who come with zero baggage and talking negatively about your current job raises a red flag.

  1. 'I pretty much work alone'

Whether you're already in a managerial or a leadership position or looking for your first job, never try to pocket all the credit for your achievements. Emphasize teamwork. Leaders are as good as their teams, and no matter what position you are applying for you will have to collaborate with co-workers. Acknowledging the contribution of team members will prove that you're a team player, something that all recruiters want these days.

  1. 'I'm a perfectionist'

Even if you are one, never say it in a job interview. Many people think it’s a really smart way to tell their recruiter that they have great attention to detail, but your work will prove whether you have attention to detail or not. A more genuine response like 'I try to keep myself devoted to the work at hand' will be more welcome.

  1. Arriving late

Whatever you do, never arrive late for an interview. This is your prospective employer’s first impression of you, so you don’t want to keep them waiting. Try to arrive 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time. Unless there's a genuine emergency, never offer any excuses for arriving late. Remember, those sitting across the table are professionals with years of experience and are seasoned at identifying excuses.

  1. Aggressive ambition

The most toxic answer to the question 'Where do you see yourself in five years?' is a reply like 'in your chair', or worse, 'In your superior's chair'. Answers like these are over-smart and reflects aggressive ambition. It's okay to be ambitious, but your answer must show your desire to grow with the organization and highlight your understanding of the business potential and skills that you bring to the table.

6. 'Why is the position vacant?'

Never ask this question. A question like 'Why did the last person leave the role?' is asking for trouble. It's okay if the interviewer reveals why the position is vacant, but in most cases, recruiters don't feel comfortable sharing this information with someone who is not yet a part of the organization. Also, being overly inquisitive will hamper your chances of getting hired.

  1. Discussing personal things

As a job-seeker, be mindful of everything you say in an interview. Recruiters want to be sure that you can do the job and determine whether you can get along with the rest of the team and diverse groups. They want to see what value you'll add to their team. Bringing up issues like family, marital status, or children often acts as a deterrent to the employer. These distractions from the interview can lessen your chances of landing the job.

  1. Appearing unexcited

Be positive while facing the interview board. A job-seeker’s body language goes a long way in determining whether he or she will be a good fit for the company. Job-seekers often say one thing, while their body language says the opposite.  That doesn't mean you speak excitedly every time you answer a question.  But saying 'I'm excited for this job' in a rather flat tone or without making eye contact may not land you the job.

  1. Asking for feedback

Interviews often end with the interviewer saying, 'We'll get back to you.’ When that's said, never ask for immediate feedback on your interview. While asking for feedback is a usual practice in other circumstances, it’s not suitable in the case of an interview. It's deemed inappropriate and may put off your prospective employer. How will you respond if there's negative feedback? Simply avoid it.

Final words…

Everybody is eager to get a job they’re excited about, but most people aren't aware of the things that negatively affect their chances of getting hired. Companies don't want to hire the wrong person. One wrong signal and they can lose interest in the candidate. Stay clear of the cliches and you'll be able to crack the interview.


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