
Retaining the Human Touch While Using Artificial Intelligence in Hiring


Companies often lament the paucity of skills duringtalent acquisition. Scarcity is a mindset that stifles innovation and makes itdifficult for many companies to look in the right direction. The truth is thatqualified candidates are everywhere. But outdated business models and closedplatforms, deployed by many organizations, impede the search for the rightcandidates, hiring managers, and talent suppliers.

Smaller organizations are unlikely to have the rightresources to zero in on the best talent for ad-hoc assignments, seasonal needs,projects, sudden ramp-ups, or even important permanent positions. Internalrecruiters are often restricted to working with a shrinking pool of talent andtend to rely on job boards and social hiring. Unsurprisingly, hiring managersstruggle to find the best candidates when they receive new job requisitions.

Several new tools for hiring, notwithstanding expandingthe reach of recruitment efforts, have stopped short of extending human touchand nurturing. A machine or a dataset can?t convey what a highly skilledprofessional wants in a job. Motivated individuals always seek a purpose, aconducive business culture, healthy relationships with their colleagues, and asense of belonging to the organization.Whilemachine learning and artificial intelligence have proved their worth toidentify the best talents, measure performance, refine searches, and eliminaterecruitment biases, it still requires recruiting professionals to forgerelationships and connect the best candidate with the hiring manager. A hiringmethod which combines personal curation and technology lends the edge tocompanies in recruiting the best talent.

The continuous curation model 

Top recruiting professionals often spend a lot of time and energy interacting with prospective candidates. They often go a step further to coach the right candidates, help them develop a compelling personal brand, guide them through the selection process, and provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Recruitment professionals work with hiring managers across various industry verticals. They enhance their knowledge of position requirements and job demands. Through their insight, industry reach, and diverse experiences working with various programs, they understand the competition and current market trends. Sans spending much on research, hiring managers in a company get consultative recommendations on making their positions stand out. These value additions can?t be offered by technology, artificial intelligence (AI) in particular.

As the battle to hire exceptional talent intensifies, staffing professionals are looking to deploy bolder and more creative recruitment strategies. While machine learning and AI will undeniably play an important role in talent acquisition, the most successful efforts will include human touch in the hiring algorithm.


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