
3 tips for creating a mobile-friendly resume


Job hunting techniques have been evolving rapidly over the past few years. With an increasing number of hiring managers relying on mobile devices to conduct the interview process (yes, they do check your Facebook and LinkedIn on the go), job seekers have few choices but to adapt to the changing recruitment environment to maintain their competitive edge. One of the changes that has happened relatively recently is a sudden increase in the number of job seekers armed with mobile-friendly resumes. You don't see stacks of papers piled up on HR's desk these days, as candidates and employers are connecting more on the virtual space than through tedious paperwork. Now to reap benefits from this emerging trend, you must have in your repertoire an excellent mobile-worthy resume. Here are three tips on how to create it. 

  • Keep it tidy
  • Your resume must be responsive for the smaller screens of cell phones and tablet devices. It's advisable to go with a one-column layout that supports scrolling. Use standard typefaces, themes and settings to have your content appear legible on all types of smartphones.
  • Watch for file size
  • Some resumes take ages to load, even on high-speed Internet networks, putting a recruiter's patience to the test. A very important thing to remember here is to build a resume with simple text formatting to keep the file size to a minimum.
  • Make it easy to access
  • Many job seekers have figured out that owning a document-based resume alone isn't enough because recruiters will have to go through the cumbersome process of saving it locally every time they want to have a look at it. Its, therefore, better to mount the resume on a virtual storage space like Dropbox or Google Drive and keep the link at the top of the document so recruiters can efficiently access it as many times as they want. You can also have the link in your email signature, just to make it as easy as possible for those busy hiring managers! They will appreciate you for that. A mobile-compatible resume can swiftly edge out the competition, given that most job seekers are otherwise neck and neck in job skills and experience. Build one today to boost your chances of employment.